Pecha Kucha ~ Free

Thursday, November 3,
The Los Angeles Forum for Architecture and Urban Design re-launches Pecha Kucha night.
Pecha Kucha is a Japanese term that roughly translates as chit-chat, or perhaps as irritating chatter. Pecha Kucha is a lot of fun for short attention spans. Pecha Kucha is a new kind of venue for anyone involved in, or interested in, architecture, design, fashion, and art.
Originally created by Tokyo's Klein Dytham Architects, Pecha Kucha consists of 20 people showing 20 images each, each for 20 seconds. The presentations start at 8:20 (20:20 in military time). There will be no running over, there will be no turning back, there will be no cover. Be sure to bring your friends and come thirsty.
The Mountain Bar Chinatown
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