CHEAPSKATIN' LA ~ hip handouts ~ free

Friday, February 23

Cheap is back.....

Hey guys,

Thanks for everyone's notes asking about Cheapskatin' being M.I.A. I must say that my real job has been fairly busy lately and I haven't given the site the time it deserves.

I'd like to have the site be eventually community-driven. Powered by you all.

As I ramp up with a new design for the site and ways for everyone to contribute, I would love to start hearing from all of you if you have favorite free spots, free events, free food.... Please email me or post in the comments for now. I can give the people who post the most author access to the site to start putting in their own events.

Feel free to email me if you're interested: amy [at] cheapskatin [dot] com

Keep it cheap,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, this work thing can get in the way sometimes can't it. If only being paid wasn't so intertwined with it... ;-)

I'm not the most resourceful character when it comes to looking up free events but as a regular visitor of this site I'll see if I can contribute. Besides, I owe you one for those Submarines tickets from a while ago :-)


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